Legal Information
The website belongs to Vítor Hugo dos Santos Ferreira, a natural person. Plain4Sustain is responsible for protecting the personal data entrusted to it. For this reason, all information of a personal nature is treated and protected with all due care, and always in accordance with the applicable law: EU Regulation 2016/679, General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR).
Privacy Policy
- This Privacy Policy explains who we are, for what purposes we can process your personal data, how we treat them, to whom we can disclose them, such as customers, where they can be transferred or where they can access them and what their rights.
- Plain4Sustain is a brand owned by Vítor Hugo dos Santos Ferreira and will process your personal data (also referred to in this policy as “information”) in accordance with the purposes described below.
- Plain4Sustain is responsible for the processing of personal data.
- Your personal data will be processed only for the following purposes:
A. Purposes Relevant to Plain4Sustain Workers
- Human Resources Management: includes the processing of data necessary for the conclusion, fulfillment and termination of an employment contract, management of working time, absences and vacations, processing of salaries and other benefits, relationship with the Tax Administration and Security Social, promotions and career development, training, evaluation, representation expenses and communication with workers, exercise of disciplinary power.
- Internal and business management: includes activities such as project planning, recording working time, managing company assets, providing centralized services to increase the efficiency of operations, carrying out audits and investigations, implementing management controls, use of internal databases, file management, insurance, prevention, preparation and conflict management.
- Safety, Hygiene and Health at work: Includes activities related to safety, hygiene and health at work, protection of workers and company assets, worker authentication and access management.
- Analysis and Management: includes activities such as satisfaction questionnaires, and the processing of employee data for reporting and analysis purposes.
- Compliance with legal obligations: includes the processing of personal data strictly necessary for the fulfillment of its legal obligations, such as the disclosure of data following court orders, collaboration with regulators and
the defense of Plain4Sustain’s legitimate interests. – Protection of vital interests
The processing of personal data for the protection of the vital interests of workers.
B. Purposes Relevant to Customers
- Recruitment: includes recruitment activities such as research, selection and placement with Plain4Sustain clients, as well as related activities. In this context, data related to salary processing and human resources management will also be processed.
- Execution of contracts: Includes activities such as entering into contracts with customers and partners, as well as communicating with third parties involved in the contracts (insurance companies, beneficiaries, intermediaries) and responding to requests from customers and partners.
- Development and improvement of services: includes activities necessary for the development and improvement of services provided by Plain4Sustain, activity analysis and processing for statistical and scientific purposes.
- Use of Information.
- Legitimacy for the Processing of your data – Your data will only be used if one of the following situations is verified:
1] You have given your consent by signing or accepting
an online or paper form.
2] The data are necessary for the fulfillment of the legal obligations of the service provision contract.
3] The data is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which Plain4Sustain is subject, such as the disclosure of data to the Tax Administration and Social Security, as well as other authorities
4] The data are necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Plain4Sustain, provided they do not prevail over the interests or rights, freedoms and guarantees of the data subject.
- Your personal data will not be used for purposes other than those described in this policy, without being previously informed or, if applicable, obtaining your consent.
- Your data will be processed by Plain4Sustain applying appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a high level of security, under the terms of the RGPD.
- In relation to job seekers, Plain4Sustain defines and analyzes behavior profiles in order to provide a better service in the selection and recruitment of human resources.
- Your personal data will be kept for the minimum period of time necessary and proportionate to the pursuit of the purposes described above. In the case of workers, their data will be kept for the purposes of complying with legal obligations and protecting Plain4Sustain’s legitimate interests.
- Regarding recruitment processes, and under the terms of labor legislation, your data will be kept for a period of 2 (years).
- Information Sharing – Your personal information may be disclosed:
- To third-party service providers of Plain4Sustain, when they comply with the requirements laid down by law. Plain4Sustain uses several third parties to provide services, which may have access to your data.
- Public Authorities. Under the terms of the applicable law, Plain4Sustain is obliged to disclose data to the Tax Administration, to the
- Social Security, to the Working Conditions Authority, and, following court orders, to the judicial authorities.
- In accordance with this privacy policy, the use of your information may involve transferring it to other countries.
- User rights – at any time, you can ask us to:
- Access to your personal data;
- The rectification of your personal information;
- Opposition, erasure or limitation of the processing of your personal data;
- The portability of personal data previously provided, in a structured, compatible and readable format.
- To exercise your rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer, through the following contact: Your requests will be treated with special care, so that we can ensure the effectiveness of your rights.
- You may be asked to prove your identity in order to ensure that the sharing of personal data is only done with the data subject.
- You must bear in mind that in certain cases, under the terms of the applicable law, the
your order may not be immediately or fully satisfied. - In any case, you will be informed of the measures taken in this regard, within a period of one month from the moment the request is made.
- You also have the right to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority: